Fabiola Suárez
  • @fabiolajsm
  • Full-stack developer focused on the Front-end
  • Argentina
Call me a part of Gen Z, a full-stack developer, a programming student, and a learner of everything around me. I constantly like to get involved in innovative, diverse, original environments, solve problems, and teamwork. I consider myself persistent, spontaneous, detailed, and with a great capability to adapt to new situations.

Some of my knowledge are: JavaScript, React, Redux, NodeJs, HTML, Advanced CSS, Express, Sequelize, WebServer, DBMS, SQL, PostgreSQL, Authentication, Sequelize, Nodemailer, Git, Google Cloud Platform, and Socket io.

If you want to contact me, I'll be happy to meet you :)
💌 suarezfabiola17@gmail.com
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Nov 2021 - Present

Frontend Developer, Technisys