
Participated in an internal hackathon where a team member and I implemented an automated system for anti-abuse following different signals. This system collects these different signals and will ale...
Implemented logging (post and fetching) to GCP Logging for Clusters created with this cloud provider.
Worked on improving a specific API endpoint that Clusters created by users were triggering. This endpoint was making a lot of queries and the number grew with the size of the cluster. I've achieved...
I've been meant to create a cheatsheet for Bash for a while now, finally got to it. This is currently a work in progress but the cheatsheet contains some basic stuff that you can do in bash. https:...
I struggled with deploying our docs with Gitlab pages because we are using a monorepo. The Gitlab docs didn't help much since they were mostly focused towards folks that have their own instance of ...
I've joined my friend Eva in a book club to read this book. We are going to read the book, do the exercises and watch the MIT video lessons and hopefully improve our Computer Science knowledge as w...
Added a section to filter articles by category and added a search bar. Head over to the Articles page and have a look Going to start redesigning my site soon!
Started using dataclasses more often after seeing my co-worker Daniel using them on his PRs. I love them so much that I wrote an introduction to dataclasses, how to create one from a dictionary and...
Created the project Hiberent as a way to learn more about bash scripting. Hiberent aims to help folks mitigate against rogue cryptomining. The project does a few things: • checks common commands (c...
Updated my personal site to the latest Gatsby V4 and upgraded the images to use the new gatsby-plugin-image. I'm surprised that the migration was fairly quick and without many issues!
I am trying to improve my networking skills. This book has been brilliant in presenting basic information and then going deeper into details! I'm currently reading about congestion control in gener...