Editing a blog post
Redesigning a website
Making a Podcast Content Outline
For a while, I’ve been planning to launch my Patreon (or ghost.io, as it is turning out) and have all my websites and accts fresh n’ poppin’ with aces content and…okay, fine…I was going to at least tidy up a bit, maybe take down some old stuff, correct small typos nested deep in old

However, I’ve not yet gotten my ‘digital infrastructure’ quite up to code (such a pun 🤦🏻‍♀️) - and I still want to launch my stuff (albeit a bit more quietly, probably) on the 22nd (palindrome nerd and lucky # is 222, and it’s the winter solstice, and it’s right around the holidays…such an excellent time to reach out to old friends and contacts, offer well-wishes, update them on what I have been working on, let them know that - in fact - I did not drop off the face of the planet when the pandemic started…but, I’ve definitely moved into different worlds and am doing different things…

I am going to be steadily chipping away at the small tasks that I need to accomplish before I share my work out - I’m not a perfectionist at all, and have actually built experiments and embracing imperfection into my approaches to most things. However, I need to challenge myself to work as hard for my own project worm as I do for other people’s project work. 

Maybe having joined polywork and gotten into the beta for the app will help me to hold myself to the deadlines I set for myself - which I definitely want to prioritize as a focus next year. 

Keep the deadlines I set for myself. 

Thanks polywork space! (there is 0 of the LinkedIn icky anxious awkward feel here…such a relief.)