
Iā€™m part of the iOS beta program for Polywork and am posting this from the new app! šŸ™Œ
I'm pursuing the Computer Communications Specialization offered by the University of Colorado on Coursera https://www.coursera.org/specializations/computer-communications
Created my personal website hosted on Netlify https://ashleynelson.dev/
Fixed RHEL 6 compatibility issue in Ansible RPM builds https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/31653
Added missing component to docker build scripts in Dendrite project https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/pull/1153
Presented at the Minneapolis Ansible Meetup and gave a demo on Tower https://github.com/fantashley/tower-demo
Created a tool that could send a text message when a vaccine appointment became available within range of a specified location. It uses the incredible website www[dot]vaccinespotter[dot]org as its ...
Presented on containers and how we use them for big data analytics at General Mills https://bigdatatech2018.sched.com/event/Eh3L/containerization-containing-the-data-beast
Spoke at Red Hat Summit on how I used CloudForms to automate VMs for our infrastructure customers at General Mills https://www.redhat.com/en/about/videos/redhat-cloudforms-cutting-vm-creation-time-...
Presented at Red Hat Summit on how a variety of teams at General Mills used Ansible Tower to solve problems https://youtu.be/tZjz1lbmulk
Gave this talk a second time at AnsibleFest following success at Red Hat Summit! https://www.ansible.com/giving-power-to-the-people-with-ansible-at-general-mills
Wrote a Slack bot for daily Culver's Flavor of the Day notifications https://github.com/fantashley/culvers-slack-bot
Added security enhancement to open source integration for AlertManager and ServiceNow https://github.com/FXinnovation/alertmanager-webhook-servicenow/pull/22
Wrote some Ruby code for the first time and added a security enhancement to the Diaspora project https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/commit/d5d53baa1cc2bbcf1beace83885f5406462e9237
Added an enhancement to the Ansible AWX project to support custom virtual environments in AWX Kubernetes and OpenShift deployments https://github.com/ansible/awx/pull/4263
Completed an amazing four years at Iowa State with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering