Edited a blog post
Advocated for myself
As humans, we're constantly learning. What is it we, as humans living in this material universe, are trying to learn? Learning from someone doesn't make us weak. We learned life through our personal experiences and the experiences of others.

Our human ego is 'created.' We were not born with it. Our parents, teachers, society pushed us to excel, or we won't succeed. Parents and friends compared us to those around us, which instilled insecurity, jealousy, and vengeance. We were told having good academics equals having good jobs equals a big house and a good car. We were told to be cautious with certain friends and only pick those that will 'motivate' us. These attitudes on parenting behaviours may have a detrimental impact on us.

I had a chat with my brother-in-law the other day regarding this. Many of us are unconsciously disconnected from our true Self, our soul. My soul and every other human being are individuated aspects of the universal energy field from which everything in our physical universe arises. Because the soul identifies with my energy field and not with the physical body, it cannot die: consequently, it has no fears and, it also has no needs.

Our soul has no needs because it creates whatever it desires through its thoughts. We live in a state of oneness, no separation, and giving becomes the same as receiving: when we give to others, we give to another aspect of ourselves.

Now is the time to learn to unveil our physical self and start connecting to our Soul Self. There'll be many exciting things we'll learn about ourselves, someone and someone of us. If we want to feel a sense of well-being and find fulfilment in our life, we must learn how to master or release our ego’s fears. This can demand great courage.

Dig deep, dig big xx

#FKLifeWithin #awareness #consciouslivingcoach