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Without any doubt, Express is one of the most popular web frameworks out there. After its initial release on November 16, 2010, Express is still going strong with 50k+ stars on GitHub and being the base for a number of new web frameworks including Sails.js, NestJS, Feathers being the most popular ones.

Part of Express’s charm is its simplicity. It’s fast, unopinionated, and minimal. In other words, Express provides you with a powerful middleware system good enough for building great applications and lets you run free. You can make an entire application within a single app.js file or a robust monolith by replicating the MVC pattern and Express won't complain. This level of freedom while not exclusive to Express (looking at you Koa) is a blessing and a curse, because you never know the architecture you're following is good enough or not in the long run.

Rock Solid Express Application Architecture