Jun 2020 - Present
Filippo Fonseca
- @filippofonseca
- 15 y/o | CEO of Zyndicate | Building tools for peak productivity
- San Jose
- He/Him
Apr 2021 - Jun 2021
Software Engineer | Part-Time, Cloutwallet
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World Robotics Olympiad project (UpDrop) was featured in the main business & tech newspaper in Costa Rica! https://www.larepublica.net/noticia/jovenes-crean-plataforma-de-entrega-de-paquetes-por-dr...
⚡️🏆 Ranked #2 in the world in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) 2021! First time in history that a Central American nation has finished top 3 in this global event (historically dominated by countries ...
Excited to announce that I have been certified by Babson College in Entrepreneurship (via their EPIC program @ Lincoln School). Thrilled to join this community of innovators! https://babson.edu
Thrilled to say that UpDrop has won 1st place in the World Robotics Olympics (CR)! UpDrop is a last-mile drone delivery service I created with Mark Music a few months ago for the olympiad! We'll be...