Aug 2023 - Present
Gedeon Sainrival
- @gedeondoescode
- Software Developer, Wevise
- South Florida
- He/Him
Feb 2023 - Present
Software Developer, Wevise
Apr 2022 - Mar 2023
Web Developer, School Simplified
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Currently planning on creating a TUI chat application utilizing Rust. I plan on creating a secure chat app using none other than the terminal and fully Rust backend. Should be a great learning oppo...
Completed a Leetcode question for the very first time! Definitely feeling motivated to do more.
Currently working on a full stack application called OSSPool, which will allow users to post ideas for open source projects and share their progress on it. This is a relatively minor project to lea...
Planning on working on a new open source project called Iris, a video conferencing alternative to Zoom. Here's a peek at what we have planned. :D