Mar 2021 - Present
Gepser Hoil
- @gepser
- Engineering Manager
- Berlin
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Startups move like crazy, it was exciting but I have other visions and goals in life. In order to pursue these goals, I need to make changes, one of them is this one.
I worked in a big corporation (PayPal) and switched to a Mexican startup (Beek). I switched countries to do that. I joined as an Infrastructure and Performance Engineer at Beek, but things change q...
At the moment I worked at PayPal as a Senior Infrastructure Engineer. It was a nice ride but I had 4+ years working there. I went through two acquisitions, Xoom => Bluekite and PayPal => Xoom. I ex...
I was promoted to also handle the DevOps department. Now I'm the Engineering and DevOps Manager at Homeday. 🎉