Gillian Kelly
  • @gillian_kelly
  • ➡️ Careers & Resume Expert ➡️ LinkedIn TopVoice ➡️ Speaker
  • Brisbane
  • She/Her
Welcome to me 👋.  If you are on Polywork you already get that the "work for the man" career path is dead.

Careers today are anything but linear.

In the future of work, those in demand will be the proactive ones who are visible, credible and optimised. I help skilled professionals move from talented jobseeker to hunted talent.

I'm an award-winning resume and profile writer, personal branding strategist and professional career coach. I work with people to attract the attention of the market including target organisations, hirers and recruiters. I'm also Head of Talent Marketing for Outplacement Australia and The Career Agency.

When I'm not working with executives and talented professionals to build their brands, I'm speaking on hiring trends, and all things careers and the future of work. You'll find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and all the usual platforms.

Reach out any time I love collaboration and conversation!

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