Created a portfolio
Designed a portfolio
Developed my portfolio. Although not yet entirely finished it’s ready for the world!

During the design of the portfolio I tried to really think about ‘what would a hiring manager like to see?’ and at the same time ‘what do I want to bring across?’. Because in the end although the hiring manager might want to see stellar visual design, underlying that want is the need to get a good grasp of my skills. If I don’t excel in visual design then I should also not want to highlight that aspect of my work. 

Anyway, that led me to focus on case studies rather than just dumping screenshots of my work. The positive side is that I can really better explain how I think and work. The negative side is that they take a lot longer and thus I only have 1 completely finished on there for now. 

Because of the same reason I also built this initial dialog that asks people what they’re interested in so that I can highlight those aspects within the portfolio. Unfortunately I haven’t actually gotten around to highlighting anything. But the hiring manager will have to answer the questions.