I went to another Cyberscavengers meetup. So much fun bringing old hardware back to life and into the hands of someone who needs it!
What an incredible Flashparty 2021!!! Some of the demos were just amazing! It's so good to see that the demoscene is alive and thriving! Check this compo from Impure (probably the best ASCII grafit...
Today I attended a wonderful workshop on Online Teaching from MetaDocencia. Very innovative ways of using good teaching practices and standard tools in a new, engaging way!
I was invited to give a talk at an internal tech event in Rappi! I had great fun showing data viz best practices and listening to their experiences!
Have you tried working while standing, and outside? I bring all my stuff to the balcony every so often.
It's so fun when people use Mural for the first time! I love seeing the cursors moving around, exploring and putting awesome ideas into writing! This is a design thinking exercise for the Data Anal...
A lot of reading, practicing and polishing comes with preparing a class or a meetup talk
UX writer girl, Data Analytics boy... a happy couple? Check my talk at the UX Research stories meetup! I had great fun preparing and giving it!
Fist time I met in person with my team! #pandemmials
Debugging is a constant activity while working with data, specially while working from home
The joys of working from home! Summertime at my home town Necochea
"This data smells fishy"
Another round of data viz for Coderhouse data analytics students!
All hands (and paws) at work from home
If you like games, at all levels (playing, as a cultural expression, as art, etc), check out Ludorama!
Passing down some hard earned skills to the new breed of data analysts! Check out Coderhouse!
On the roster with the Big Names, for the Big Data Executive Program at Universidad de San Andrés! A beautiful opportunity!
Another class on data visualization for the new data analysts breed at Coderhouse!
We enjoyed another great #cyberscavengers event, recycling old hardware, donating computers, and enjoying some live coding, digital artists, and arcade games! @cybercirujas.club
Today I taught about Data Viz in the Big Data course at Universidad de San Andrés. Great times!
Today I watched Mara Schmitman talk about remote working skills at Pulsion Digital Meetup.
Coffee time with old Navy shipmates, today all in the data industry! Banking, consulting, gaming (myself) and a fresh join at X, the moonshot factory. Not bad!
Today I was guest lecturer in Data Visualization for the Masters in Digital Business at Universidad de San Andres. Fantastic experience! Lots of questions and laughs about my rants against pie charts
Fantastic Data Viz meetup by Miriah Meyer: Research Through the Practice of Visualization Design!
Today I helped bring back to life old computers with cibercirujas.club. Grassroots movement against planned obsolescence!