Built a Design System
Completed a bootcamp
Documented a design for hand-off
Designed Operations
Streamlined accessibility processes
Creating design system documentation
Mind was blown
I participated in the pilot class of the Design System & Ops course, at Meiuca. It's always good to improve your knowledge and even more when you identify with the course's methodology, because of the passion for design and the sparkle in your eyes when it comes to design system. Using Airbnb DS as a reference, I was able to learn more deeply some steps to analyze during modules:

  • Concepts, principles and Setups
  • Discovery
  • Design & Development
  • Hand-off
  • Design Ops: Documentation & Governance

There's one thing in common with building digital products: they need to scale consistently to deliver the best experience and put as little effort as possible into optimizing resources in the operation.

For that to happen, design and development need to design in concert. This need changed the profile of designers, who were focused on technique. Today designers need to look more at processes. Understanding how all this works is a requirement for anyone who wants to be an indispensable designer in the technology environment.