Shadowed an Entrepreneur
Provided creative direction
Provided Art Direction
Worked on the branding
Onboarded a Visual Designer

Turning point

Hired for an in-house agency as a freelancer, working on projects focused on consumer experience and digital performance, thinking about objectives and segments, for companies in the region of Vale do Itajaí and the coast of Santa Catarina. Experience with retail, wholesale and premium civil construction. 

I was responsible for all brand assets, signage, events and graphic production  for 5 major clients, including the largest car and accessories mall in the region. I also took photos of the events to integrate with social media and growth marketing content. 

Directed several types of projects and campaigns, in addition to carrying out projects for the Santa Catarina scenario of marketing, digital experiences and visual communication. It was also in that year that I created my legal responsibility in the design area. I consider here the inflection point for my experience as a Visual Designer and where I started to migrate to the UX Design area.