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I participated in the quick course "Edit - Design and Layout", from May to June 2019, with my project related to Virginia Woolf's book.

Women Who Read: "A Room of One's Own"
Genre: Essay, Fiction, Non-fiction
Publisher: Tordesillas
Year of publication: 1929. Edition: 2014

"Anonymous was often a woman"

This was a transformative reading, one of those where you end the book wanting to hug whoever wrote it. I have no words to describe the impact Virginia Woolf has had on my education as a reader and woman. She was able to visualize social and anthropological evolution and perspectives decades ahead of her time. The questions she proposes in these essays are very pertinent and questioning as they are events from the beginning of the century and which still exist in our society today.

In "A Room of One's Own", Virginia imagines what the life of a possible Shakespeare's sister would be like. As a woman, what would be the obstacles during her journey, what responsibilities would be assigned in domestic tasks, marriage and children considered as a destination already defined. While his brother would never hear that these assignments are more worthy than devoting himself to literature. Dedicating yourself to art and being recognized by society is not just a matter of merit. There are educational, economic and gender privileges involved in the process. Think about these reasons, and you'll likely find reasons why there haven't been as many novels, poems, artworks, plays, or studies written by women over the past few centuries.

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