Went freelance
Started my own business
Hard to believe, but it's already been a year to the day since I threw myself into the freelance adventure. The step was partly faced with malice, but often blessed with a lot of support and I'm glad that the last year went damn well against all expectations.

And no, contrary to the image that most business communities like to create, I didn't make millions in sales in the first year or land twenty international customers who financed my Bughatti. 😄 It also took me a long time to get rid of this completely insane "success pressure" that gave me countless sleepless nights.

Especially after 15+ years of being #emplyed, more than 10+ years of it in an incredibly fast-moving media industry, it was a crazy change for my head not to think in monthly cycles in a classic way, but to align my mindset and my focus more flexibly; especially in the field of social media & conception.

That's why I enjoy finally having free choice with the customers and throwing myself into projects that I'm passionate about and that I enjoy. I appreciate the newly gained freedom of time and the respect that I am shown for my opinion and expertise. The feedback from my customers has solved a tranche in the eye time and time again, because I was just not used to people being happy & satisfied with my work and my ideas.

Of course, there were also hard learning phases that almost made me throw in the towel several times; anything else would be a lie. I had setbacks, dry spells, but also great people who helped me learn and progress. Therefore, I would like to break the illusion of the "One-Man-Selfmade-Army" and thank Nicola, Jennifer, Frank and Sascha from the bottom of my heart, who often solved my questions and my insecurities with a lot of patience. Without you I probably would have had a hard time getting through the year; Thank you very much, I appreciate your support!

And a big thank you to Melchior & the entire Kontist team, who have the patience of a angel and took over the topic of "taxes" from complete financial idiots like me and clarified questions. You don't know how much easier it makes my creative work when you keep all the paperwork away from me.

Last but not least: Thanks to Pascal, who was one of the first to approach me and involved me in exciting projects and made sure that I could start with 120% motivation. 💪

And now: Here's to another exciting year and great projects!