Marco Klein
  • @hobart2967

Me, myself and I  

I am a full-stack software engineer located in Cologne. Whilst living a great passion for frontend development, I really love to implement backends filling their counterpart with data and business processes.

Also, my ability to develop databases and the surrounding infrastructure make me feel like I have developed something complete when finishing a product.

In my free time, I fulfil my passion to coding, cars, music and video games. But before you ask what kind of music: Everything I like! There's no special taste or genre I follow, so that description may suit best :)

I would describe myself as a team-player, being in love with hand-in-hand work. For example, developing against other developers' machines is really fun to me!

Professional Status  

Currently, I am working for Trusted Shops, europes leading trust brand - A company creating review systems for all kinds of markets, including its origin market, e-commerce.

I officially started there as a pure frontend developer. I joined their Consumer UX Team, being responsible for the consumer web frontend. After working on a consumer portal application, I continued to work on a website relaunch, based on Wordpress and Angular Universal. Since I also wanted to use my infrastructure and backend skills, I implemented a modular and pluggable test environment created with docker.

Today, I am working as a full-stack developer, responsible for building a pluggable micro-frontend platform and reusable libraries together with my current team.

What I have done so far  

In the past years, I have been working on several things and target devices. This includes hybrid and native mobile apps, web apps, hybrid native desktop apps, rich clients, websites and many more things.

Backend-wise I have created different systems with NodeJS, C# and a little Java. This all includes a bunch of REST-Apis, Database Backends and even Database Driven Business Logic.

I have seen and worked on different infrastructural approaches, such as on-premise, self-hosted SaaS or even AWS Cloudbased systems!

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