
Today in the free JavaScript bootcamp we explored the prototype chain, constructors, classes and other object-oriented concepts. Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roRm2WISZ0o
Today in the free JavaScript bootcamp the learners and I went on a journey to discover debugging tips and tricks in our browsers! We worked together and the learners even helped me figure things ou...
Today we did the second project of the free JavaScript Bootcamp: A roman numeral converter! We learned about loops, encapsulation and DRY. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0zlmXCBVFc
Today in the free JavaScript bootcamp we just completed our first project: A palindrome checker! We've done this using all of our accumulated knowledge thus far. One down, four to go! https://www.y...
Continued with week 3 of the free JavaScript bootcamp today! We did Regular Expressions and managed to learn loads! Recording down here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFUtyxByM30
Today was day 2 of learning ES6 with the free JavaScript bootcamp! We covered template literals, object literals, module exports and more! Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzKGtzPeUsY
Had a blast kicking off today's free JavaScript bootcamp session, where we learned about ES6! We learned about the rest operator, the spread operator, arrow functions, and more! Recording here: htt...
Received a DM from somebody thanking me for the previous free JavaScript bootcamp and that I motivated them to continue learning. And that they just landed their first tech job as a backend enginee...
Finished teaching the first week's core lessons of the free JavaScript bootcamp! We learned about booleans, if statements and comparisons. Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNTFFTaACUQ
Day 2 of the free JavaScript bootcamp! We learned strings, escaping and arrays! Recording is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InUpZVs9-Uc
Lesson one from the free JavaScript bootcamp is done! We learned the fundamentals and started learning variables. Recording is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5q-e9XXjvA
Helped hold the 10 episode of "DevRel en Español"! Hosted a Twitter Space where I interviewed Julián Duque and Andrea Griffiths about their experiences in DevRel. Had a lovely conversation for the ...
Had a lovely time streaming with Jenn today and learning some backend, express.js, npm, Node, and more! We went down lots of rabbit holes and good times were had ✨ Thanks for having me! 💜 https://y...
Live streamed myself doing Playdate game development for a game to take a dog on a walk! Learned about pixel art and crank angles. Recording up on my YouTube Playlist!
Started a playlist on YouTube for my Playdate dev streams! Having a blast doing these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8y3RuB6WEs&list=PLpqkKTcJEBA_qKZF1ndXKFjdqVM2LN41H
Had a wonderful time attending Distribute Aid's World Refugee Day Code Jam! Learned a lot about Gitpod, open source triage and more. Thanks for having me! https://opencollective.com/distribute-aid-...
Dream. Come. True. Had the absolute joy of giving a talk at CodeLand 2022 about non-code contributions: "There's more to Open Source than Code" Learned loads from folks and had a lovely panel discu...
Hosted a live stream with Taylor to kick off our Distribute Aid Maintainer Month! We cleaned up our issues, did a giant rebase and had some fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7leMdWz2h80
Had an insightful fireside chat with Brian Sletten, author of “WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide”, live on a Suborbital live stream for Wasm Builders: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pMPKEr96zSg
Helping co-emcee and ask questions at the different roundtables at DevRelCon Deep Dives, day 1: https://deepdives.devrelcon.dev/
Have my first in-person conference talk in a long time! 🥹 Spoke about live streaming tips and tricks for software dev at JSDay Canarias!
Had the honour yesterday of giving my first ever workshop in Spanish on the fundamentals of TypeScript. Couldn’t have asked for a better set of attendees. Had some great questions and discussions. ...
I was a guest on JAMstack Radio's 100th episode, where Brian and I chatted about non-code contributions, DevRel, building confidence as an open source contributor, and the importance of inclusivity...
Hosted the April Suborbital Community Meetup! We had great talks on documentation, the externs program, and the Atmo internals. Recording here!
Live streamed with Connor seeing how Ruby fits into WebAssembly, and how we can start integrating Ruby into the Suborbital ecosystem. Learned loads! Recording here
My post summarising our live stream tour of the greater WebAssembly ecosystem was featured on Hashnode! 🎉 https://blog.suborbital.dev/tour-of-the-wasm-ecosystem
Had a lovely stream with Kiki doing some open source development on "A little game called Mario"! We even made our first pull request! What a joy. Huge kudos to Kiki for bearing with me 💜 Recording...
Had a wonderful live stream with Laura getting our WebAssembly-based Conway's Game of Life onto a canvas with pretty colours! Recording found here
Did a Spanish livestream going through the TypeScript fundamentals course I'm developing with Escuela Frontend. We covered all of the different flavours of strict TypeScript! https://www.twitch.tv/...
Did a Spanish livestream going through the TypeScript fundamentals course I'm developing with Escuela Frontend. We covered concepts such as classes, abstract classes, abstract functions, and guard ...
Did a Spanish livestream going through the TypeScript fundamentals course I'm developing with Escuela Frontend. Doing this was a ton of fun! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1419429776
Had a lovely time with my colleague Laura live streaming ourselves building a WebAssembly app. We installed Rust, fixed it, got everything working and got a successful "Hello World" working! https:...
Gave a talk in Spanish at Rustfest LATAM on how to be a successful tech community mentor: https://rustfest.global
Wrapped up the final office hours of the free Web Development and JavaScript bootcamps. A little emotional to end it! Jess and I made a website and put it up on Github Pages. Recording is here http...
Held the final live lesson of the free JavaScript bootcamp. We covered the Cash Register project, did a whole bunch of reduce, and learned loads. Really loved getting so many helpful recommendation...
Today the free JavaScript bootcamp learners and I covered Intermediate Algorithm Scripting in JavaScript. Really loved getting so many helpful recommendations from the learners for different/better...
Today's free JavaScript bootcamp lesson was all about functional programming! We learned about higher-order functions, callbacks, map, filter and more! Recording found here https://www.classcentral...
Jess and I had the pleasure of hosting Felienne Hermans today as she talked to us about how to read code. It was an invigorating discussion, and the learners asked great questions, and Felienne was...
Gave an 8-hour workshop at kununu on the fundamentals of TypeScript, filled with practical exercises and direct conversations. I am *exhausted* but happy.
Solved the freeCodeCamp JavaScript palindrome checker challenge live on stream for the free JavaScript bootcamp! It was a blast and we discussed lots of different solutions. Recording found here ht...
Today we covered Regular Expressions in detail at the free JavaScript bootcamp. Recording saved here https://www.classcentral.com/cohorts/js-bootcamp-spring-2022
Received a lovely gift from a friend and student of the free JavaScript bootcamp! We also discussed regular expressions and palindromes! That's little cartoon me! Doing the pat pat! It's even got a...
Held an Office Hours session for the free JavaScript and Web Development bootcamps! Recording here
Taught the concept of template literals, object deconstruction, promises, and more ES6 concepts at the free JavaScript bootcamp. Recording saved here https://www.classcentral.com/cohorts/js-bootcam...
Taught loops, recursion and ES6 at the Free JavaScript Bootcamp Recording saved here https://www.classcentral.com/cohorts/js-bootcamp-spring-2022
Taught JavaScript fundamentals at the Free JavaScript Bootcamp. I got majorly stuck in one of the exercises today, and well, it happens! Some of the learners' comments really reminded me though, ho...
Taught JavaScript fundamentals at the Free JavaScript Bootcamp Recording saved here https://www.classcentral.com/cohorts/js-bootcamp-spring-2022
Taught the second session of the Free JavaScript Bootcamp Recording saved here https://www.classcentral.com/cohorts/js-bootcamp-spring-2022
Live streamed learning Rust on Exercism! https://twitch.tv/hola_soy_milk_
I was featured on #adventcado 2021 talking about my experiences being in Developer Relations. I recorded a video of it and transcribed it in written form: https://avocados.dev/adventcado/2021/12/01...
Wrote up on my experience speaking (and surprise MCing!) at DevRelCon 2021 this year: https://ramonh.dev/2021/11/15/devrelcon-2021/
Joined Jess' Free Web Development Bootcamp as a mentor for a Saturday Social where we learned all about Git, Github and real life projects!
Hosted a wonderful live discussion with Jess on using open source contributions as professional experience! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUkGoFNSTvc
Contributed live to Distribute Aid with the help of Taylor and Maxime, making CodeSee's live debut! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiRSmpyOnF0
Live streamed a conversation with Nahrin Jalal on etiquette and non-code contributions to open source software https://youtu.be/M8wk1U2pL5Q
Gave a talk at the JS Conference for Dev.Pro: https://jsconf.dev.pro/ This is the story of that one time I was contracted to build a point of sale system in 3 weeks, using Vue.js, a Raspberry Pi, a...
New blog post! I've been giving some talks at conferences by pre-recording them, and wanted to share my experiences doing so as well as some of the hardware/software solutions I used. If you're kee...