
My first Egghead lesson is live! Thank you so much, Lauro and the rest of the team, for your incredible support and kindness. Made my first lesson explaining the relationship between JavaScript con...
Taught the freeCodeCamp telephone number validator project problem solving with the JavaScript at the free bootcamp! We learned all about refactoring regular expressions! Recording found here https...
I had a wonderful time teaching the JavaScript learners at the free bootcamp about object-oriented JS! We did prototypes, own properties, constructors, and more! Recording can be found here https:/...
I had the absolute joy of hosting a conversation with Stuart Langridge to tell our learners why they don't need as much JavaScript as one might think. The learners asked incredible questions and St...
Today in the free JavaScript bootcamp we learned the fundamentals of JavaScript Algorithms. We tried out a couple of solutions and learned some new stuff! Recording found here https://www.classcent...
Had a lovely office hours session for the free JavaScript and Web Development bootcamps with Jess, answering all kinda of questions. Recording found here
Had a marvelous time hosting Parham Doustdar as he gave his talk: Everyone matters: an Inclusive Approach to Design, Development and Testing The learners from both the free web development bootcamp...
Today in the free JavaScript bootcamp we solved the Caesar's Cipher problem in freeCodeCamp together! We tried out a couple of solutions and learned some new stuff. Was great fun! Recording found h...
Taught all about data structures during the free JavaScript bootcamp. Recording found here
Taught all about the tools around debugging JavaScript in the browser with the free JavaScript bootcamp. Recording found here
Jess and I hopped on stream for the JS and Web Development bootcamps to answer questions in an office hours social, as well as start learning Flexbox! Recording here
Hopped on to stream with the bestest Jess to answer some questions, make a website, and put it up on GitHub! Recording here
Solved the freeCodeCamp JavaScript roman numeral converter project live on stream for the free JavaScript bootcamp! It was a blast and we discussed lots of different solutions. Recording found here...
馃槀 馃槀 My first teacher's prank! Explaining the Don't Repeat Yourself principle to the JavaScript learners, I got tricked into, you guessed it, repeating myself. Video alt: Me live streaming and prese...
Live coded with Aram on the Zellij project, INSIDE Zellij. Can't believe I had the opportunity to pair live on a Rust-based terminal emulator! Recording is here
I had the absolute joy of hosting Riz猫l to tell our learners at the Web Development and JavaScript bootcamps all about git! Thank you so much! 馃挏 Recording is here.
Hosted a guest session at the Free JavaScript Bootcamp with Barbara Oakley and Zach Caceres Recording saved here
Kicked of the Free JavaScript Bootcamp with over 9000 signed up learners! Recording saved here