Hristo Iliev
  • @hsiliev
Hristo Iliev has been a professional developer for over 16 years. He  worked on the SAP NetWeaver’s kernel (Java EE platform), helped improve Eclipse Virgo (OSGi-based application server), developed application lifecycle management for SAP Cloud Platform, contributed to CF Cloud Controller and Diego projects, worked on Cloud Foundry's metering and aggregation engine Abacus. 

At present he is working on a business intelligence suite, taking care or helping for all aspects: from installation, through development to integration with external systems and maintenance.

Hristo has spoken at Cloud Foundry Summit, Eclipse Con, JAX and ISTA conferences about Java, Node.js, Eclipse, Cloud Foundry, XProgramming and architecture. In his free time, he is organizing Bulgaria's CF Meetup and doing lightsaber duels with his 9-year-old daughter.
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