Building a Website
I started my first website in 1998 - an educational site on Colonial America. What started as a project for a history class my final year in college turned into a pet project that I worked on while passing the hours at my first job - a receptionist in a very boring office where the phone barely rang. I spent ages learning how to use basic html, bought my first domain name (, and ranked #1 on Yahoo in the history section for about a minute. A history professor in Australia used it as a resource for a book he was writing, and I'm listed in the bibliography.

Below is a screenshot from the Wayback Machine. It looks like...well... like a Geocities website from 1998.

Anyway, I mention this because I'm still building basic websites for fun - these days on WordPress (does Geocities even exist anymore?) - and just got started on the new Common Stacks podcast site for our new show featuring conversations that move libraries forward. It's been 23 years, but I still get a buzz each time I hit "publish".