Dmytro Husiev
  • @husiev_dmytro
More than 10 years of experience in the field of finance and banking, participation in projects with international payment systems Visa and MasterCard. 
4 years of web development experience.
Stack - Node.js, React.js, Next.js, Elasticsearch, SQL and NoSQL DB, Redux, Redux Saga, Graphql, HTML5, CSS3. Tools - Webpack, Babel, Git, PostCSS, Chai, Mocha, Jest
The creator and developer of the service of filling out tax returns and tax "cash back" for individuals - Povertay (
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Mar 2016 - Present

Co-founder and CTO, Povertay

Jul 2019 - Present

Tech Lead, Glowlit

Jul 2019 - Present

Full-Stack Developer, Chatleap

Apr 2020 - Present

Full-Stack Developer, RapidSec