Hussam Gharawi
  • @hussamgharawi
  • Saudi Arabia
Whether I was catching Pikachu on Pokemon Go, carefully observing Twitter Like animation, or even binge-watching Friends on Netflix, I realized being good is not enough; it's persistence and continuous growth. Knowing this has assured me that life is an endless stream of lessons and experiences, and thus, I need to have as much as possible from it. I keep learning and always pushing my limits to be better, personally and professionally.

The spark was ignited back when I was a student, and it keeps growing with every challenge:
-I started as a business analyst with Waki, the startup that was sold to one of the biggest companies in the region, and shaped my business mentality.
-Then, I added a bit of spice and started my freelance journey, which I'm thankful for. I partnered with several entities in their UX/UI projects, creating happy connections and gaining new insights and experiences.
-Moving forward, I set my sails on Saudi Aramco's shores, which I successfully automated a process to take 1 hour a month after it took an entire week to accomplish.

Although life has given me many lemons, still, I wasn't making lemonades! I needed the courage to make a move and be a full-time digital product designer to do so. I've always enjoyed designing solutions that fit the needs of both users and entities — capturing the missing details to make a product a great one.
In my current position, I'm proud to be working on projects that will surely help to achieve Vision 2030. Taking existing and new solutions and including the human factor in each of them makes them better, more straightforward, and more enjoyable.

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