Created a 3D illustration
Created a 3D Animation
Learned Blender
I've Played around with blender over the years, I love drawing and art. But I've never actually actively tried to learn how to use blender. Recently I decided to give it a go and did the conventional Donut renders. 

I have shared the two animations I have made so far over on my Instagram. I wanted to use what I'd learned and see if I could create a humanoid, I decided to follow a tutorial on YouTube about how to create a humanoid in blender that I could pose, The tutorial I found showed me how to make a humanoid but not pose it. 

Regardless it taught me a lot. I was even able to make the shoes you can see in the photo! (They might look bad but you have no clue how proud I am of those.)

He does ... look quite bad, But I have to admit I'm kind of proud, He's a tad off, His proportions are wrong. I guess you could say he's "stylised?". But its not a bad first attempt at working with skin modifiers, mirroring, rigging and creating individual items. 

You can see the animated version of him over on my Instagram :)
(Spoiler he literally just waves)