Built UI components
Learnt React
Completed Part2 of the FullStackOpen course.

Here are the things that I learned:

a: Rendering a collection or module in #React
- In this section, I learned about event handlers, rendering collection, the key attribute and how to refactor components.

b: Forms in React
- How to use forms, what are controlled components in React, how to filter data to be displayed.

c: Getting Data from the server
- Browser as a runtime environment, npm, learned a lot about #axios, how to make requests with axios, the useEffect hook.

d: Altering data from the server
- Learned about #REST architecture, used a tool called JSON Server as the server, how to send data to a server, extracting the server-side logic in a different module and a bit about Promises and Errors.
Overall, this section was very informative.

e: Adding styles to a React App.
- A brief intro on how to use #CSS with React, how to use inline styles in React.

#ReactJS  #fullstack #Nodejs #webdev