André Bento
  • @ideashortcut
I am André Bento and I am the founder of

Sociable geek and proudly a Jack of all trades, father of two, born and raised in sunny Lisbon, Portugal. An engineer at heart, a product manager by trade. I am someone that likes to bring projects to life, optimizing at each step.

I have a big span of interests and often find myself learning and forming opinions about product management, advertising industry, video delivery, software architecture, big data, analytics, data pipelines, game theory and others. On a more personal note, also spend a great deal of my time trying to be a better parent, lover, cook, living a healthier life and taking care of my personal finances.

Started as developer, worked most of my career in media businesses on anything ad tech related. Have had software development, commercial operations, architecture and product management roles, across a number of organisations.

Currently I am senior product manager at EV Connect, focusing on the data stack of their electrical charging cloud software. Check me on LinkedIn, let’s get in touch.
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