Vic2 To HoI4 0.2A Released

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This release's big feature is an overhaul of ideologies. In addition to HoI4's normal three ideologies, there are 'Radical' and 'Absolutist'. The more extreme Vic2 governments map to the various ideologies as you might expect. Radical is for Anarcho-Liberals. Absolutist is for Absolute Monarchies and Presidential Dictatorships. HM governments become Democratic, and Prussian Constitutional governments depend on the party in power, either becoming Absolutist or Democratic. Ideological support is converted based on the upper house, with the extreme ideologies supporting their ideology and the less extreme ones supporting democracy. However, a lesser ideology will support the more extreme form if the more extreme form is in power. Both kinds of ideology conversion can be changed by editing governmentMappings.txt. One caveat: only ideologies held by great powers or by human players will convert. Everything else becomes neutral. So you still get a chance to sway other countries to your camp. In addition to ideologies, names and leaders are now converted. You won't be seeing Jigme Wangchuck very often any more, if you see him at all. The names are pulled from the Vic2 namelists for your country's primary culture. Female names and callsigns are added in data files included with the converter. As always, there are plenty of other fixes included, too. This time, Hamiller78 has done some cleanup of the national focus generation. There's lots more to do, but the most egregious errors should now be fixed. See the changelog below for a more extensive list.