Jackson Dahl
  • @jackson
  • Founding Team, 100 Thieves
  • Los Angeles
I spend my time on the intersection of technology, entertainment, and the internet. Most of my work has played in this space in some way or another. As of late, I've been particularly interested in creators: the pre-eminent entrepreneurs at those very crossroads.

I'm currently building 100 Thieves, leading our talent & entertainment strategy. We're a gaming and lifestyle brand focused on entertainment, esports, and apparel. I work with some incredible folks including Matthew "Nadeshot" Haag, and have worked on nearly every aspect of the business since its founding in late 2017.

Previously, I worked in venture capital at Lowercase Capital and at Universal Music Group, focusing on startup partnerships and investments.

I graduated from the University of Southern California.
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Nov 2017 - Present

VP, Talent & Entertainment, 100 Thieves