Contributed to open source
Improved process
Improved workflows
Created Kubernetes Tooling

Building on Senchou and Leverage

Senchou does an outstanding job of bringing Kubernetes configuration management into TypeScript. However, there are still a few hurdles teams need to cross when organizing, generating, and patching resources. In order to solve this, I'm working on a Leverage Kubernetes plugin.

Kubernetes Plugin

The Kubernetes plugin for Leverage will provide an easy way to create and manage both generic resources and Helm charts. Not only will you be able to render an existing chart, but you'll be able to export your Leverage units as a new Helm chart! I'm really excited about the prospects of this and have been working hard to create a good, easily extendable solution.

Here's an example of what a plain Kubernetes object would look like when managed by Leverage.

Note that this is an example and the Kubernetes plugin is not yet released.

import { useKubernetes } from "@leverage/kubernetes";
import { Pod } from "./senchou/k8s";

export const init = () => {

export const render = () => {
  const pod = Pod({
    metadata: {
      name: "my-awesome-pod",
    spec: {
      containers: [
          name: "my-container",
          image: "my-image:latest",

  return pod;