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Created an Open Source Project
Improved workflows
Created Kubernetes Tooling

Introducing Senchou 🚢

I've been working with Kubernetes for a few years now and by far the biggest blocker has been configuration management and generation. The tools out there today just aren't cutting it and YAML templating needs to go. Instead, what if we could use a real programming language? In fact, what if we could generate configuration in TypeScript with full type support and still support pre-existing formats like Helm?

Enter Senchou

Senchou is a tool to generate TypeScript modules for Kubernetes API objects and Custom Resource Definitions. With full type support, you're given the confidence and ability to regain full control over your configuration management. Check out the main package on NPM.

Command Line

Senchou offers a command line interface, allowing you to easily and quickly generate TypeScript for your Kubernetes version or CRDs.

View on NPM

# Try it out!
npx senchou --help

Core Library

Senchou's core logic and code generation is split into a separate library making it reusable and embeddable in your own tooling.

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