Wrote a parser
Designed a Backend System
Wrote in Java
Published a project
As the final project for CS 2112: Object Oriented Design and Data Structures, my project team of three people created critterworld, a fully customizable animal simulation in Java. The hexagonal animals, called critters, roam a hexagonal grid, encountering food, rocks, and other critters. The critters are programmable using CritterLang, an interpretive language that determines the critter's behavior on each time step given certain conditions. The world can be saved to or loaded from a text file. The program includes a GUI written in JavaFX that can be used to view the world and select each critter to view its stats. 

My portion of the project involved creating the parser and interpreter for CritterLang and creating the world viewer in the GUI.

Unfortunately, the source code of the project can only be offered upon request due to Cornell's academic integrity policy. However, screenshots can be viewed at this repository: https://github.com/MitchellGray100/Critter-World-README