Designed website
Launched a new website
Got a design job
Graduating in less than 3 months and I secured a job! Whenever I finished my portfolio website a while ago, I shared it wherever I could. Including here, on LinkedIn, Instagram and some Slack communities. It was a simple page showcasing some of my work I'm proud of, and just any creative side work, as I'm a Polyworker through and through. The response to the website has been overwhelming, and a few companies messaged to have a chat.

It turned out that showcasing my interests outside of design left a good impression. The portfolio is meant to display my design abilities, but including everything else, made me stand out and gave the people I was talking to something to bond over. So to any fresh designers out there, don't be afraid to show your work your way.

For those who missed it, here's the link to my website: Jasmin Winiarski Portfolio