
It's only funny because it's true. https://twitter.com/javavvitch/status/1486879369851199488?s=20&t=9aFoQ0h0ra-z9BRRcahIBg
Today I announced that I have joined Polywork as an Advisor! I am ecstatic to work with Polywork to grow their community and watch a product that I genuinely enjoy using grow! https://twitter.com/j...
I am writing a second book! This one is focusing on teaching complex software engineering subjects to anyone that is interested to learn, and I do mean anyone. https://twitter.com/javavvitch/status...
I took a large risk and decided to chronicle my trauma for the 22 months that I worked at Capital One as a software engineer. It was the most mentally taxing and trying time of my life, but by tell...
I finally streamed my first programming Twitch stream! https://twitter.com/javavvitch/status/1439319259478437896?s=20 I was teaching about color theory and accessibility standards while creating a ...
Paperback copies of A Software Engineer's Guide to Seniority is in the works! :D https://twitter.com/javavvitch/status/1415079209756774404?s=20
I gave this talk at Self.Conference 2019 and was one of my favorite talks that I have written to date! https://slides.com/jocelynharper/open-source-diversifying/
I made a VSCode theme based off of the color palette of the Git Cute logo :) https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CrystalTokyo.witch-gems
I was beyond excited when CodeCrush reached out to me to give a keynote for their spring cohort. It was such a fun time talking with young developers. https://codecrush.unomaha.edu/
I wrote Git Cute: A Software Engineer's Guide to Seniority! 130+ pages of blood, sweat, and tears. https://www.gitcuteguide.dev