Feb 2016 - Present
Jay Hoffmann
- @jayhoffmann
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The first sixty or so stories from my newsletter are available as an ebook. Some people just like reading it that way.
Shortly after publishing a series of my articles as an ebook, Leanpub co-founder Len Epp had me on his Frontmatter podcast to talk my process, web history, and some of the things I've learned along...
Chapter 9 of my series is out. I've been writing these every couple of months, but this one felt the most natural to me. Community, the feeling of community the web is able to bring to people, is w...
I wrote and sent out my first post for The History of the Web. It was about Mozilla. At that point my list was small, maybe a dozen or so people. I sent it out using Tiny Letter and I didn't have m...