
PHP Stoke
Refreshed Website
Attended my first Laracon EU. It was my first in-person conference since COVID first hit and it couldn't have been a better experience!
I’ve finally started a hobby that I’ve wanted to pursue for a while… leather working.
We welcomed our 2nd daughter into the world!
I published a new blog post on how you can deploy Next.js applications to Laravel Forge. https://blog.laravel.com/deploying-your-nextjs-app-to-forge
Did you know that with Polywork, you can configure a Custom Domain? I've just configured mine to https://timeline.brooks.page, how cool is that!
Today I released the trailer to Happy Dev. My podcast that focuses on the mental health of software developers. https://www.happydev.fm/episodes/episode-0
I've tried creating a custom header for my profile, but I'm not sure it works quite the same as Twitter, where it's a fixed size... Let me know if it looks a bit dodgy...
Here's all the hardware and software that I use... https://james.brooks.page/uses/
Today I've released an update to https://artisan.page! You can now select which version of Laravel you want to see the Artisan commands for.
I just finished deploying the first version of my Laravel Artisan cheatsheet! Let me know what you think https://artisan.page
Here's a new package I wrote, Laravel Colorize, A mixin for Laravel's Stringable to easily apply colors and styles to CLI text. https://github.com/jbrooksuk/laravel-colorize
Here's how can inject additional data into your Laravel Form Requests. https://james.brooks.page/blog/laravel-form-request-tip
I documented how you can inject additional data into your Laravel application. https://james.brooks.page/blog/injecting-additional-data-into-laravel-queued-jobs
Here's a round-up of everything we released for Laravel Forge in April. https://blog.laravel.com/forge-april-round-up
I wrote a GitHub Action for deploying your repository to Laravel Forge. https://james.brooks.page/blog/a-github-action-for-laravel-forge
Here's our Laravel Forge May Round-Up! https://blog.laravel.com/forge-may-round-up
Learn how to deploy your Nuxt.js application with Laravel Forge. https://blog.laravel.com/deploying-your-nuxtjs-site-to-laravel-forge