Watched a movie
Planned a sprint

## Morning Polyworkians!

Still scorching hot here in the Northeast. Yesterday we hit the mid 90s, with a feels like of 116! Still short of the Pacific Northwest but enough so it felt like a sledgehammer when you got out of your air conditioned car. And we are still having circuit problems with the bedroom AC, which is gruesome. Like I say a lot, the best thing about living in the Northeast US is we are, I think, the best prepared for a wide variety of extreme weather, because they all happen every year, from very hot to very cold, from drought to rain and snow. I hear 2/3 of the houses in the Northwest don't have AC - ouch!

Didn't play D:OS2 last night because C had Internet problems, so instead I watched *Tin Cup* with A. It's a fine movie but the trope of the boy who bugs the girl until she falls into his arm is just so creepy and needs to stop. A has become quite the golf fanatic, which is fun. Need to hit the course with her again soon. She wants neon pink golf balls, of course. Hoping to get back to Halo 3 tonight, although it would be nice to start earlier. Finishing an entire level can be a grind.

Hope to get a game in with M before we start computer games. If A want to play, we can play  a 3 player game of NEOM, a cool tile laying game. Otherwise, maybe we will give Grimslingers a try, a head to head dueling spellcaster game. Cool theme, great art. Kind of a deck builder, which isn't my favorite, but I guess we will see.

Long tedious day in the salt mine yesterday, with another one promised today and tomorrow. These Sprint kickoff weeks are a real pain, trying to get everything scheduled and make sure everyone is gainfully employed. This boss thing is still a work in progress.

Stay safe. Get Vaccinated! Watch your distance! Be a leader. Remember the lead sled dog is the only one with a decent view.