Jean-Nicolas De Biasi Bondy
  • @jeannicolas_debi
  • Sustainable project manager • Tech • AI • Greenvest
  • Montreal • CA

Hello there 👋

Passionate about building crazy projects to enable sustainable consumption. Expert at bold marketing moves to make sustainability more desirable.

I'm a French project manager who's back in Canada. I work mostly for human-sized businesses, which care about their impact on the little rock we're on. I made myself that promise - and challenge - back in 2019:

"I'll work only for companies which share my values. For real."

I thrive in multigenerational environments, with collaborative doing for collective learning.

I define myself as a knowledge economy activist and chronic optimist. I think that we can learn from everyone and every situation; moreover, I often - maybe too much - focus myself on solutions rather than problems.

That's why I love my job, cause it's:

  • Teaching me something new each day - not especially work related, that's the best!
  • I speak different "languages" with each department of the company
  • It's human-centric

Nevertheless, I am a lot more than my job. As we say here, "I'm a multi-hyphenated."

I'm passionate about:

  • New tech, especially the smartphone and AI world
  • Green financing and investment to do good. I invest in stocks, startups, real estate, and wine.
  • Sociology. I deeply love understanding human behavior and how we react to things happening around us.

Being curious about all these subjects allows me to do some pattern recognition - when it happens, it's my little epiphany! -

You've got another one to make me discover? Let's go!

Last but not least, I love searching for innovative ways to do things. From slight changes to bold moves. As Tetris has taught me, when you want to fit in a case, you disappear.

So I prefer to build my own thinking way thanks to sharing with others around me.

Want to talk, laugh, or grab a hot chocolate - I'm personally not a coffee person - let's do it! 😌

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Sep 2022 - Present

Project Manager, Ammareal

Feb 2022 - Present

Growth Marketing Manager, Agence Grain Blanc

Jul 2021 - Present

Investisseur social, Railcoop

Jul 2021 - Present

Investisseur associé, Time for the Planet