Released a product
I just launched RailsWork, a job board for Ruby on Rails Developers. You can browse jobs and apply to them, and recruiting folks can make an account and create a job!

You can check it out live here - RailsWork

It's written with Ruby on Rails, leverages postgresql, and is deployed on Heroku. I've added Markdown support for job descriptions, Stripe for job posting fees (that was hard 😅), and analytics for job posters to see how their jobs are performing.

I mostly did this to push the boundaries of what I know and develop my skills, but I'd be thrilled to see people getting some value out of it. It still needs some work, but it's a side project after all 🤷‍♂️

Recruiting friends, I'd love to hear what I can change to make this more valuable for you! Job-seeking friends, I'd love to hear the same!