
Updated my personal website on VueJS! https://www.jenbeltran.com/
A new cohort to TA at YorkU for FS1020 (NodeJS) and FS1030 (MySQL) back-to-back begins!
Homecare Hub users can find and apply for a shared living home online. I worked with the business/healthcare team to redesign the user flows, Figma designs and front-end VueJS pages. https://homeca...
Revised homecarehub.com site meta data and accessibility which brought website ranking from page 11 to page 2 on Google search for "homecare Toronto"
Officially launched the Tech Teahouse website! Tech Teahouse is a fully volunteer-run grassroots community organization. We are 100% funded by the generosity of corporate & community partners. Tech...
Hosted Tech Teahouse's second Women in Tech event at Shopify Toronto!
It is the start of a new cohort at YorkU, I will be teaching both FS1020 and FS1030 back-to-back again!
I've received such awesome reviews from teaching my first course at York that I got asked to TA a SECOND course! I am now teaching FS1020: Server side (backend NodeJS) and FS1030: MySQL Databases b...
Started my first developer role as a TA for YorkU's Full Stack Web Development program! I will be hosting open labs for the FS1020 Server Side course (NodeJS) http://continue.yorku.ca/certificates/...
My first freelance gig as a developer. Designed and created the TalentTO website. https://www.talenttoronto.com/
I've received great reviews from my students that I have been called back to TA a THIRD course for the Full Stack Web Development program at YorkU! Cheers to the start a new course FS1010: React Fu...
Designed and built two platforms: one for for shared live-in care where elderly can book "hubs" as an alternative to senior homes (https://homecarehub.com/shared-living), and another for senior adu...
Just got hired as an Operations Director at Hack the 6ix! Hack the 6ix is Toronto's largest summer hackathon with over 1700 applicants, 500 hackers, and 92 project submissions. The operations team ...
Organized my first hackathon with Hack the 6ix as the Operations Director! Hack the 6ix is Toronto's largest summer hackathon with over 1700 applicants, 500 hackers, and 92 project submissions. The...
Obtained my AWS Cloud Practitioner certification! https://www.credly.com/badges/8a0c52bb-d8a3-47f9-9bdc-0ad00dc27bef/linked_in_profile
A new school year and a new cohort to TA for FS1000: Full Stack Fundamentals at YorkU! http://continue.yorku.ca/certificates/certificate-in-full-stack-web-development/
Conducted interviews for summer co-ops that would report to me at Homecare Hub.
Attended ProductCon! https://productschool.com/productcon/
Attended Women of React conference. It was awesome to meet other like-minded women in tech! https://womenofreact.com/
Organized my second hackathon of 2021! This hackathon is strictly for the York University Full Stack Development program and the UX Design program. https://yorkstack-202108.devpost.com/