Built a slide deck/blog site

Writing a Blog Post
Deploying a website
Building a feature

Built a site that takes an `.mdx` file and creates a slide deck and a blog post. I built it by forking a Gatsby theme from GitHub and fixing up some bugs it had. My fork makes the dark mode toggle functional, fixes theme collisions between the slide decks and blog posts, and adds a live comment section at the bottom of each blog post.

*Disclaimer: the comment section no longer works, as it was built with Heroku and they shut down their free tier.

Check out my https://blog-n-decker.netlify.app/">deployed example, the https://github.com/jgarrow/blog-n-decker-live-comments">GitHub repo, or read about the development process on my https://janessagarrow.com/portfolio/blog-n-decker/">blog.