joe bains
  • @joe_bains
I'm a biohacker health coach and love hacking my body brain and mindset to grow and evolve myself to infinity and beyond!!!
I'm an Ex-Cloud engineer, ex-married!, ex-introvert, ex-sheep.
Now I'm an extrovert, confidence/juggling/health coach, YTuber, Podcaster, Comedian/MC, Public Speaker.
I love tantra yoga and eastern philosophies and practice tantric love making with my current tantric lover.

I'm part of the following worlds Tony Robbins, Vipassana, Millionaire Mind Intensive, Landmark, Osho, Kashmir Shaivism, Journey Intensive, Tantra Yoga, Biohacking, Burning man, MindValley.

Looking to do my first Ted talk in the next year or so.

I'm always looking to collaborate on new and interesting projects and am usually up for anything and everything.
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Jan 2022 - Present

Biohacker health coach, Self-employed