Started a new blog
Became an Influencer Partner
Designed website
Worked with Wordpress
Spoke on YouTube video
Wrote a movie review
Interviewed a Professional Actor
Daddy’s Grounded was started as a way of remembering the personal experiences of fatherhood in all its details, with photos, video, and written thought. I live with his family in the western suburbs of Chicago. 

I have an eight-year-old, Wesley, who loves bright colors (especially pink), airplanes, technology, books, coding, playing outside, and staying in hotels. Theodore, our big-hearted five-year-old, loves to meet new people, play pretend, help in the kitchen, and do science experiments. I've been married for 16 years this April to my best friend, Abigail. She is a flight attendant, an avid baby-wearing advocate, and Instagram pro.

“I love being a father. It’s the most challenging, yet enjoyable, responsibility I’ve ever had. The ability to raise a human is incredible. I hope my sons turn out to be exactly who they want to be when they grow up. Just like I wrote in my ‘Dear Son,‘ post a few years back, I’ll support them no matter what. ” – Joel Gratcyk

Beyond writing about my family and views on life, I occasionally work with brands and organizations with whom I feel a connection. If I enjoy using their products or supporting their initiatives you can bet I’ll entertain ideas on how to partner with them on my blog and social channels.

I hope you enjoy following my journey at and that you’ll connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.