
A Comprehensive DevRel Metrics Guide (Part 3): A Framework to Get Started!
A Comprehensive DevRel Metrics Guide (Part 2): What DevRel Metrics should I track?
Published Part 1 of a Comprehensive DevRel Metrics Guide
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 36
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 33-35
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 32
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 30+31
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 28+29
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 27
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 26
How to Create Subtitle-Files (srt) with WhisperAI
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 25
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 23 + 24
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 22
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 21
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 20
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 19
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 18
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 17 Doing a talk with livecoding/livedemo again and the learnings I took out of them. Nothing else to report this week 😁 https://dev.to/johannesdienst/being-a-develo...
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 16
Blog: Add Spellchecker to Your Node.js Project
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 15. Last Post this year!
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 14
Week 13 of my #DevRel journey 🧸 Onboarding improvements 🤓 Digging into DevRel Metrics https://dev.to/johannesdienst/being-a-developer-advocate-week-13-2mga
End of the week #DevRel post: Recording the first video tutorial Devastating Developer Experience Audit Internal Developer Advocating #LearnInPublic https://dev.to/johannesdienst/being-a-developer-...
Week 11 as a Developer Advocate
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 10 Time flies when you have a good time! I hope you had a good time, either 🥰 🐚 Conference ct <webdev>: Accessibility topics 🌴 Advocating for your users https://dev...
Had a blast giving my talk "The Future of UI Automation" yesterday at ct <webdev> You can find the slides here: https://bit.ly/3CxNnWy
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 9
Day2Cloud Podcast: Talking about IaC with Terraform and Repository Structure
Being a Developer Advocate: Week 8
This week I felt like a little child getting their hands on a cool shiny toy: 🍃 Building a Flutter demo for our product 🎤 Moderating at Global QA Summit 22.2 🎧Finally dipping my toes into the commu...
Had a blast giving my talk "The Future of UI Automation" yesterday at the Geekle.us event QA Global Summit Vol.2! I also was the moderator of the first slot of the senior track and it was so much f...
Wrote a blog post Being a Developer Advocate: Week Six
Gave a talk about The Future of UI Testing at Software QS-Tag. It was also my first in person english talk. Quite happy how it went! https://www.slideshare.net/JohannesDienst1/the-future-of-ui-test...
Gave a talk about The Future of UI Testing at Java Forum Nord https://www.slideshare.net/JohannesDienst1/the-future-of-ui-testing-challenges-in-ui-automation
Wrote a blog post Being a Developer Advocate: Week Five
Wrote a blog post Being a Developer Advocate: Week Four
Spoke at JUG Saxony Day 2022 about Rock Solid Software Architecture with ADRs, arc42 and Microsites with my dear friend Ralf. Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/JohannesDienst1/rock-solid-software-...
Spoke at JCON about Rock Solid Software Architecture with ADRs, arc42 and Microsites with my dear friend Ralf. Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/JohannesDienst1/rock-solid-software-architecture-wi...
I was able to get a recording of my keynote talk at SAEC-Days where I talk about Stoicism - Practical Philosophy for Your Daily IT-Life. It is in german! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMu0rxJQcno
A long overdue blog post on stoicism and how it can help you in your daily IT-life https://fiveandahalfstars.ninja/blog/2022/2022-09-04-stoizismus-praktische-philosophie-einstieg-en
Week three of Learning in Public as a Developer Advocate: Spending your Energy, Social Media Strategy and User Feedback https://dev.to/johannesdienst/being-a-developer-advocate-week-three-46pa
Week two of Learning in Public as a Developer Advocate where I describe our experience with defining Short-Term Goals, do Segmentation and Personas https://dev.to/johannesdienst/being-a-developer-a...
Started a journey of Learning in Public with the weekly learnings of being a Developer Advocate https://dev.to/johannesdienst/first-week-as-a-developer-advocate-13dm
Today is my first day as a Developer Advocate at the startup askui. So excited to break into DevRel and do the things I love the most on a daily basis!
Finally came around to write the third part of my Architecture Decision Records series. Part 3 covers ADRs in context of arc42. Currently only in german: https://fiveandahalfstars.ninja/blog/2022/2...
Had the absolute pleasure to keynote at SAEC-Days about my personal experience with Stoicism and how everyone can use it to have a better life. https://de.slideshare.net/JohannesDienst1/stoizismus-...
Last time as a Systelaner delivering the talk "Rock Solid Softwarearchitecture" with my dear colleague Ralf D. Müller.
DevOps Pro Europe was one of my first conferences into the pandemic and this time I talked about "Managed Cloud to GitOps". Unfortunately my colleague Jan was not able to join. I hope I managed to ...
The one day conference DevDay Dresden organised by the fabulous Software Engineering community of T-Systems MMS is always a great experience. I was honoured to give a talk about "Rock Solid Softwar...
Gave a talk at Karlsruher Entwicklertag about One Spock-Framework to Test Them All Slides are in the Link above :)
Delivered a Workshop with a colleague about Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) at DB TechCon, an internal Deutsche Bahn conference focused on developers. We let the participants build an italian menu and ...
Spoke about "Using APIs - Deep Dive" at an In-House event called Digital Summit with my Product Owner. We highlighted how you can use APIs in your daily work over the Deutsche Bahn API-Gateway Busi...
Spoke at Navigate Congress about Rock Solid Software Architecture with ADRs, arc42 and Microsites with my dear colleague Ralf. Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/JohannesDienst1/rock-solid-software...
Spoke two times at Javaland 2020. First talk with my colleague Ralf D. Müller, where we shared our experience with the arc42 software architecture documentation template in combination with Docs-As...
Gave my first training together with four colleagues. It was a Domain Driven Design Architecture Kata. Quite the fun! Next time I will train my own group alone :)
Came around to setup my github-README for my profile. Was a fun experience expressing myself and geek out a little bit. github.com/JohannesDienst
I normally hate bragging but this time I have to do it! My talk Lessons Learned: arc42 in einem DevOps Team was rated as 6th best talk at Java Forum Stuttgart. That makes me really happy because I ...
I played around with gitpod.io and tried to setup a .gitpod.yml for our website fiveandahalfstars.ninja. Turns out the integration with a github-Organization can only be done by the original creato...