
Wrote a blog post about Azure Container Apps, Bicep and GitHub Actions
I love Netlify deploy previews. I wrote a post implements a pull request deployment preview mechanism for Azure Static Web Apps in the context of Azure DevOps which is very much inspired by the Net...
I wrote a blog post on social media sharing. The most interesting thing about it to me is how there's a standard for publishing, but not rendering. Wonkiness ensues. https://blog.logrocket.com/open...
My blog post on NSwag generated clients was featured in ASP.NET Core News: https://twitter.com/aspnetcore_news/status/1459151938763857944
I talked about structured data and React https://youtu.be/zi1CHB-eVck
I did a talk on structured data and React! Ever wondered how Google gets those lovely chocolate brownie recipes in front of your eyeballs? This is the talk for you. https://youtu.be/zi1CHB-eVck?sta...
I'm working on adding Bicep language support to Shiki: https://github.com/shikijs/shiki/pull/239
I talked about TypeScript at the LogRocket meetup! https://youtu.be/LxZx3ycrxI0
I'm doing a talk on TypeScript on Sept 30th at 2 p.m. EDT. Sign up here! https://blog.logrocket.com/logrocket-typescript-meetup-write-more-readable-code-with-typescript-4-4/
Ever wanted to permission an Azure Pipeline with Bicep and Azure RBAC Role Assignments, so you can run an integration test against newly provisioned resources? I grant you it's a niche need; but if...
I've been collaborating with the Prism.JS team to add Bicep language support. I write blog posts, some are about Bicep and I ❤️ syntax highlighting in code snippets. A code snippet without syntax h...