Jon Canady
  • @joncanady

As a software dev I built the foundations for a company that went from "bunch of idiots" to "actual thing that helps people" then to "got acquired by a huge company and became a shell of its former self."

Now I'm running engineering at a new startup, one that wants to improve healthcare outcomes for folks via remote patient monitoring and human caring. Prescribe FIT is amazing, the company is helping real people hit real goals, and I'm honored to be a part of it.

Also synths are cool and what I was taught about gender was a lie.

Not sure if there's a maxlength on this field or if there's a database type limit on size but I feel like I put a solid effort into finding out.

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Sep 2021 - Present

Vice President Of Engineering, Prescribe FIT

Aug 2020 - Sep 2021

Director of Engineering, Prescribe FIT

Oct 2006 - Oct 2017

Founding Engineer, CoverMyMeds