
Check out my entire collection of DocuSign Tutorials My Friends! Its been a while since I updated my Polywork, but here is a collection of all of my latest tutorials for DocuSign - a Full Playlist ...
Business Applications Release Notes Join the team doing Biz Apps release notes
The Amsterdam Power Platform User Group Went and spoke with various customers in Amsterdam, went and hung out with our community members and did a few presentations for the User Group!
Started a New Job Senior Platform Evangelist - Power Platform Feb 15, 2017
Started a New Job Lead Product Evangelist - DocuSign March 29, 2021
Visited Tokyo & Kyoto Japan Visiting Customers and meeting the Power Platform User Group in Japan was an incredible experience. Seeing the history and experiencing the culture really took it all to...
Started Landscape Photography Its still a huge passion and major hobby of mine to go and see all of the things with my own two eyes! My Instagram is where I show all of my nature photos
Mentoring Others Mentoring and Coaching are vastly important to me. This year I am dedicated to coaching at least 2 people at all times. My latest mentee was in partnership with the Power Platform ...
I Do Voice Work Too... Voice acting has always been a really fun thing for me to dabble in. Its truly something i wish i could do more of. Take a look at this ad i voiced for Jolt Solar
Jumping off the Stratosphere & Visiting Switzerland Yes, One right after the other haha. It was a wild time as the world tour continued and i began to build community in all kinds of far off places...