Jordan Ledwein
  • @jordan_ledwein
We have a running joke we say, "No one grows up dreaming to go into sales"

Well...I did.

As a teenager in the late 2000s, I often found myself sitting in the back seat of my dad's car, listening to Sandler training CDs on our weekend hockey trips across the east coast. Little did I know at the time, but those trips would play a large role in my future career and personal development.

Throughout college, I became deeply interested in Sandler and the psychology behind sales and human communication. I continued to learn about related subjects and apply the many Sandler behaviors, attitudes, and techniques where I could.

I started my sales career after graduating college with a strong foundation as I continued to apply what I had learned and refine the techniques to fit my style. But the most surprising thing was that these skills had a positive impact on other aspects of my life too. It helped me to communicate better with those around me and helped me set goals to live my life with purpose and intentionality.

Almost 15 years after listening to those CD's in the back of the car, I rejoined Sandler full time as an Associate Trainer with the opportunity to continue my learning while teaching others the methodology that has made such an impact on me personally.

My passion for sales has only continued to grow as I have started to explore the new technologies and trends in the field - particularly AI and sales automation tools.

Although the world of AI can seem daunting, I am convinced that it has the potential to revolutionize the sales industry and business as a whole.

With my background in the principles of Sandler and my interest in the latest technologies, I try to stay well-equipped to help others navigate the rapidly-evolving landscape of sales and stay ahead of the curve so they can sell smarter.
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Apr 2022 - Present

Business Development, Sandler by i10 Solutions

Oct 2022 - Present

Sales Director, Peacock SEO