Apr 2012 - Present
Joseph Louthan
- @josephlouthan
- Trying to waste my time with God. Preacher of the Gospel. Writing at Theologicus. StarCraft 2 Elderly.
- Versailles, KY
Hero Photo
Jul 2019 - Present
Technical Project Manager, Red Hat
Apr 1996 - Jul 2019
Linux Systems Administrator, Various
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Preached my first sermon ever!
Theologicus: Scaled back the weekday episodes to Devotions for the rest of 2021... ... in order to ramp up and go into Live Episodes twice a day (Mon-Fri) for 2022. Live Scheduling: Google Sheet
Writing 30 sermons in 30 days - I have to double up towards the weekend because Sabbath. Follow my progress on https://theologic.us/
Work: Now managing nine (9) projects!
Things I’ve built
Began Podcast/Video Series: Theologicus Taught, based on exposition : • Romans • Mark • Genesis • 1 Timothy • 2 Timothy • Titus • Daniel Taught on the topics based on exposition of Scripture: • The...
4-part series, entitled "What Do I Believe?" - Survey of Western Philosophy - How does Philosophy influences our thinking and assumptions? - Current Philosophies of the day and how to see them at w...
Systematic Theology, entitled, "Who is God?" - based on the Gospel of John
Lead Young Adults Bible Study Over the following books: - Ruth - Romans