
Hour-Long Ambient Recording
My first ambient track
Released my first analog synth recording!
Survived my first "real" work emergency where I was paged after midnight and was asked to solve a crucial issue that could have affected company revenue within 2 hours, which I was able to do indep...
Coordinated and emceed the October CJUG meetup. https://twitter.com/joshaustintech/status/1579997524450217987
Discovered the deep rabbit hole that is modular synthesizers and got myself a Moog Mavis as my starter module.
Worked remotely from the Roameo van for the second time. This time I worked from southern Illinois and Nashville, Tennessee. The Autumn colors were amazing!
Bridged Cool Cookie #3490 from the mainnet to Optimism. • Mainnet transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd627d240d715d75414fccbc553c846119afe018f3be4a9815393049257e28525 • Optimism transaction: htt...
JConf 2022 This was the debut in-person JConf. The previous JConfs were virtual due to the pandemic. During this event I shared what was happening on Twitter and Facebook, networked with colleagues...
Movement is publicly released! Movement by project44 brings shippers, carriers, and LSPs together to build a better supply chain. Any mode. Any region. All in one place. My role in this project is ...
Celebrated the Ethereum Merge with the community! • Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1593296928 • NFT: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0xe42cad6fc883877a76a26a16ed92444ab177e306/202554
Live streamed myself learning Rust. Highlights: • https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1561469415 • https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1561469416
Joined Developer DAO.
Presented the lightning talk "Blockchains - Game Changer, Destroyer of Worlds, or Niche Product?" at DevCon44
Started a survival multiplayer Minecraft server running on a Raspberry Pi and encased in a Minecraft LEGO set.
Finished an early first draft of a gaming NFT smart contract I'm building for someone.
For the team hackathon at work, I researched the potential use of Javalin as an alternative to Spring. After 2 days of research, I concluded that Spring was still a better fit for my team but that ...
Gave a 1-hour consultation to a startup in the United Kingdom considering the use of blockchain for their solution.
My first React components for a micro webapp entered into production use after about a month of iterative development.
Presented on major Java syntax changes since Java 11 as a Happy Hour session. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WBKJEpcigCzuPaHNh9U0qaWq5wxrcvmrYYhKEr4f_WY/edit?usp=sharing
A lot of fumbling around and changes in plans, but this was a very fun exercise to write and test NFT code with the Remix IDE. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1264253120
Gave a presentation about the Ethereum ecosystem, including what is happening with ENS and Optimism. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/105OgUKHbMZM-0nVGAN_amMHDb4srGcoIkguSNQmhehQ/edit?usp=sha...
My first complete smart contract project: a shared wallet with simple allowance functionality. The source code is here, and it is deployed and tested on the Rinkeby testnet. You can see testnet act...
Learned how to use inheritance in Solidity.
Learned how to use a modifier to enforce Solidity function security without needing to write repetitive code.
Finished the Coursera course Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure. Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/WZLD2DZC6XJJ
My first (tiny) Rust project! https://github.com/joshaustindev/die-roller-rs
Mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article When Bonuses and Raises Aren’t Enough, Try Manicures and Free Clothes written by Chip Cutter. In today's print version, this article is found on the fro...
Worked (very) remotely from the Badlands of South Dakota, thanks to a partnership between project44 and Roameo.
Learned how to use Solidity mappings and how to start, pause, unpause, and permanently stop smart contracts.
Learned how to send/receive Ethereum funds naïvely in a smart contract. https://github.com/joshaustindev/smart-contracts/blob/main/SendMoneyExample.sol
Solved the Two-Sum problem on LeetCode with a solution that, at the time of this posting, was faster than 99.6% of other Java submissions, as well as more memory efficient than 66.01% of other Java...
Built a simple tip calculator based on Google's Android Basics in Kotlin course. This exercise taught me some neat concepts including currency formatting, getting/setting widget content, debugging,...
After months of collaboration, we were finally ready to make the site https://shotbyjenny.com public for the world to see! Jenny provided the content along with all the ideas and features desired. ...
Built the Dice Roller app from Google's Android Basics in Kotlin course.
Built the Birthday Card app from Google's Android Basics in Kotlin course.
Built my second mobile app called "Bang the Bongos". Dart code: https://github.com/joshaustindev/bongos/blob/c4a1ddd3f7b71254c10954858680244227bbc14d/lib/main.dart
Gave the lightning talk "Let's Talk Testing". https://www.meetup.com/ChicagoJUG/events/276547862/
Won a free Raspberry Pi 400 at a raffle!
Love Your Neighbor Prototyped a web application for the Love Your Neighbor project using the Bubble No-Code platform. While that prototype was a proof of concept that is no longer available, the pr...
MEDICAL STUDENT COVID-19 ACTION NETWORK Contributed Typescript/React code to a website that enabled med students to work together as a network against COVID-19. "[T]he Medical Student COVID-19 Acti...
EZ>Buy Update Goes Live EZ>Buy enables the entire motorist and dog-owning populations of Chicago to purchase their respective stickers and registrations online instead of at a county office or an o...
ApplicationRunner in Spring Boot Presented a lightning talk about using ApplicationRunner class to create command-line apps with the convention-over-configuration code architecture that Spring Boot...
100 Days of Flutter, Day 11 • Did the “Dicee” project, a mobile app that (psuedo)randomly changes the number on a dice when you press on it • Updated my Flutter SDK to 2.2 • Switched from Android S...