
I was featured in the Non-Code Contributor newsletter by Justin Dorfman https://twitter.com/jdorfman/status/1468366463706624001?s=20&t=-PxKSvpxM6Me8fY44FTlJA
My podcast and blog was featured in Developer Avocados Newsletter https://twitter.com/DevRelAvocados/status/1475879682507784200?s=20&t=-PxKSvpxM6Me8fY44FTlJA
It was wonderful to catch up with the Community and Discuss Incentivization and Rewards features on Aviyel! Thanks for the feedbacks and enthusiasm towards #Opensource
“DevRel as a Core is about building valuable connections with people through knowledge sharing” I thought of writing a thread on DevRel and my journey. Read the Twitter Thread
Sometimes, these tweets are huge! CEO/ Co-Founder of Aviyel, Jose Kuttan made my day :) https://twitter.com/josekuttan/status/1522850853845368832?s=20&t=2wIQ3FJA54FUNQpUQyYhew
I thought of sharing it here :) Last year I was a Mentor at a Hackathon organized by TechTogether Boston, a great platform supporting gender-inclusive activities- recently got acquired by MLH. (Sou...
[Tweet] “Coding is like a Military Operation, but strategic assets are DevRel, Community and Content creation” This was the amazing analogy shared by Pedro a Military veteran, who was coding in the...
Amazing book by Ben Cotton, Program Management for Open source projects!
GIVeth.io provides a platform for social good projects to build a sustainable economy by rewarding the community. This is one of the earliest DAOs of Ethereum I joined their community meetup, netwo...
Excited to Join Aviyel as Developer Relations